This is a pleasure to inform that Mariyam, student of Fashion Design Program in School of Design and Textiles SDT, University of Management and Technology is a member of The Pakistan Weightlifting Federation (PWF). She has represented Pakistan in the 9th World Strength Lifting and Incline Bench Press Championship and has won 2 silver medals. The event was held on September 6 - 10, 2022, organized in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan. The Pakistan Weightlifting Federation (PWF) is the national governing body to develop and promote the sport of Weightlifting in the Pakistan. The foundation was formed in 1947 and is headquartered in Lahore. The Pakistan strength-lifting team comprising 11 members’ was awarded fourth place in the Championship with four Gold, nine Silver, and six Bronze medals.
Mariyam has been participating in the national and international strength lifting championships since 2017 and has won medals and awards as recognition for her talent. The Department of Design SDT is proud of her achievements.
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